
weekly recap.

in one word or phrase: "just when i thought i was out...they pull me back in."

i'm dreaming of: warmer weather without the threat of snow. apparently it is going to snow tomorrow...but i thought it was supposed to snow yesterday...utah weather, gotta love it.

song on repeat: i am super loving some old stuff lately...mostly griffin house and this song.

gotta write it down: i need to start writing it all down. i used to be such a good journal keeper...and blogger. i need to do better. this is the first step to making that happen.

lesson learned: never trust that the attention seeking, mental health kid will not hurt themself, even though they pinky-promised not to...just figure you are making a trip to the emergency room regardless.

picture to frame: i stole this one from my sister...i didn't take any pictures this week...sad face...love lillie and all her facials...especially her selfie faces.

highlight of the week: i got to go on a "ride-a-long" with my friend's husband who is a police officer. it's not the most exciting thing, but i am super entertained by it.

weekend to-do list: i should have cleaned more than i did...also should have worked on organization projects i have planned...i got distracted by the olympics. i'll come up with another excuse to avoid it all next weekend, too. hahaha.

how was your week?
did you have big weekend plans?

that's all.

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