

i love the sound of: lionel richie's creamy, smooth voice, singing me to sleep.

i love the sight of: brown paper packages.

i love the taste of: buttermilk waffles with buttermilk syrup. thanks, laur (and by default, bren), for the recipes.

i love the smell of: spring in the morning. there is just something about the smell of the morning air in spring that i enjoy.

i love the feel of: being appreciated.


  1. mmmm buttermilk syrup, oh yeah and waffles. funny how the mornings of late still smell like spring - will summer never arrive!?

  2. is your buttermilk syrup butter, karo, buttermilk, sugar and soda? we call it yummy syrup. freakin awesome!

  3. you are right about the karo syrup. after going and looking at the recipe mine doesn't have it either. jon's mom taught me about that stuff. don't you love my exciting comments?
